Polyclinic Rident d.o.o.www.rident.hr
Redesign of promotional product packagingThe Rident Polyclinic is one of the leading dental clinics in Croatia, offering the ideal combination of top dental services, multidisciplinary team of experts and top technology.
Creating a new packaging design that will convey the ideas and aesthetics of the brand.
To keep existing brand elements and fit them into the new packaging visual communication.
With a minimalistic design, pure white and additional silver accent, we have created a concept that incorporates the brand's existing elements, but also follows the latest trends in design.
Redesign of promotional product packaging
We have added white colour to the emblem of Rident brand - a smile, since it is the key colour of every beautiful smile, suggesting the health and beauty of the teeth and cleanliness in general. In order to put the brand name in focus, we introduced silver colour as the primary colour, by which we wanted to emphasize the modernity of the business and to achieve additional association with dental equipment, and the technology used in the dental world. The typography of simple, clean lines also emphasizes the brand's personality.